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10 Things I Love About Living Abroad

I always had a dream of living abroad. There are many things that I can write about loving living in Europe! Here is a short list of the top ten things I love about living abroad.

1. Mix of cultures & languages

There are a large number of cultures in a small area in Europe. If I wanted to, I could drive two hours and be in France, drive six and be in Italy, or drive another six in a different direction and be in Switzerland! The chance to immerse myself in so many cultures in a short amount of time has been an amazing experience. Having the opportunity to learn some of the numerous languages has been great, too. It might not be the easiest or best thing about living abroad, but it opens your eyes and expands your worldliness.

2. Food, food, food

I LOVE to eat! Eating is one of my favorite pastimes (it counts, right?!). The options are plentiful and delicious. I’ve indulged in fresh pasta in Italy, escargot in Paris, stroopwafel in the Netherlands, Bratwurst in Germany, goulash in Prague, and more! And don’t get me started on the wine and beer…

I love the freshness of the food, the lower rate of additives and preservatives, and just the genuine authenticity of each of the cuisines. I will truly miss Europe’s food when we jet back home.

3. Alcohol selection at grocery stores

In my home state, you could only purchase alcohol at a liquor store or a beer distributor. As I was anticipating my move to Germany, some gas stations and grocery stores began selling alcohol. This was great if you wanted to purchase something, but the state store was closed. In Germany, there is an incredible selection of all types of alcohol available in the grocery store. The local shops feature regional wines, domestic and international beers, including craft options, and various types of liquor as well. The options are limitless. The prices of the options are so affordable, too! A liter of wine for 3€ – yes, please!

4. Ease of travel

America has NOTHING on Europe regarding ease of travel. Public transportation is readily available and (usually) punctual. For example, I went to Mannheim, Germany, for a hockey game in 2019. We bought our train tickets that day and the price wouldn’t have been any different if we had purchased them earlier.

The closeness of the countries also makes traveling easy. Some countries in Europe take only a couple of hours to drive through, while some American states can take up to seven hours. I’m looking at you, Pennsylvania… Flying is another common form of transportation. Flights are cheap, especially with budget airlines like Ryanair.

The creation of the European Union has made traveling less stressful, as well. One does not need to check into each country and get a passport stamp if traveling within the EU. For example, I arrived in Iceland while on my way to Germany. I had my passport stamped in Reykjavik and did not have to worry about passing through Customs once I landed in Frankfurt.

5. Chance to live like a local

We live in a small village in Western Germany. Our home has all of the essential German home staples: rolladens, no closets, no garbage disposal, a collection of recycling bins, and no air conditioning or central heat. I had Germans as neighbors on all sides. However, some Americans do live in the village. Towns here are called “villages” here, which I think is so cute! Going to the grocery store is another way we have been able to live like a local. We are immersed in the German language, common foods, and simply, the culture. Living in a German home is different than living in an American home, and I am grateful for the opportunity to experience it.

6. Autobahn & autobahn speeds

The German autobahn is known globally as something fun to drive on. Many times, there is no speed limit, but it is actually an unspoken 130 KPH. Not having police officers hiding in random areas of the autobahn, aka highway/freeway, makes driving less stressful. That being said, there are speed cameras that will take photos of you driving if you go above the posted speed limit. While the autobahn is great for getting places quickly, many construction areas can cause the speed limit to change often. It was a real adjustment to learn how to drive on the American freeway once we are back in the States.

7. Roundabouts 

Roundabouts have been commonplace in Europe for some time. However, they are literally a foreign idea in most of America. Just before I left the States in May, a roundabout was being constructed near my home. I was worried about having to drive through it then, but I have learned to love them. They truly make traveling through intersections so much simple! All you have to do is look to your left (as long as you’re driving on the right side of the road), make sure no cars are coming, then drive. Traffic lights are not needed, which saves loads of time. I hope more intersections in the States begin having roundabouts because they are such a blessing while driving.

8. Environmentally Friendly

Europe is an environmentally friendly continent. It’s hard to ignore how much the environment is cared about: the complexity of trash and recycling systems, how it’s illegal to idle your car, using reusable shopping bags, being unable to use pesticides or weed killers in your yard, and honestly, the list goes on. I feel very passionate about taking care of our Earth, and it warms my heart when I see how much effort is put into recycling, reducing waste, and making the environment front and center.

9. Opportunity to write about travels

Of course, there are a plethora of places to visit in America. The downside to traveling in America is the cost – it can be costly! I never wrote about any of the places I had traveled to in the States, but I have always been passionate about doing so.

Years ago, during my first adult trip to Europe, my goal was to write about my time in Ireland and England. Unfortunately, this didn’t happen. It mustn’t have been the right time. Now, I have the opportunity to take the chance. I have loved writing and sharing the many places I have been to, and I cannot wait to see where my journeys in writing and traveling take me.

10. Learning to be independent & growing up

This may be a more personal love about living abroad, but it can also be relatable. My move to Germany was the first move out of my family home in my life. I spent my entire previous 23 years with the same four people. I loved it and did miss the perks of living with my parents occasionally, but nothing can compare to the freedom I have felt since I began living in my own home. Not only have I begun a life away from home, but I have also begun it some 3000 miles from home. I have learned how to “adult” without much aid. Sure, you can call mom for help, but that isn’t the same! Plus, my experiences from my time in Europe will shape the rest of my life. I will always be grateful for the chance to live abroad, love it and hate it, and grow as a person.

Until my next adventure,

Robyn ♥

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